Recycle it!

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is recyclable and is being recycled by businesses and consumers across the world. The EPS industry developed collection infrastructures to support global recycling efforts. EPS can be recycled into a variety of new products.

Click here for information on EPS recycling in your country Global recycling access.


The International Expanded Polystyrene Alliance Producers of expanded polystyrene (EPS) from Asia, Europe and North America formed the International EPS Alliance (INEPSA) in a bid to enhance EPS recycling and environmental standards.

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EPS Recycling

Recycling turns EPS that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources. There are four main waste reduction options for EPS packaging:

Reduce • Re-Use • Recycle • Recover

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The ability to conserve and protect valuable resources as well as reduce CO2 emissions are important environmental concerns in the current day and age. The packaging material EPS makes contributions towards conserving the environment in various ways.

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